Monday, December 20, 2010

Balloon into the Randomness

 Except the piggies were going to the grocery store to buy some super yummy nom noms. When they got there the employees would not let them in. So they went around and got in from the back door. When they got in they went straight for the sea food. They found lots of frozen caterpillars and hedgehogs. They bought three of each and then tried to check out. The employees chased them out with a metal broom and then they had to try and find their car without getting hit by the metal broom. It was super easy because they hit the easy button and flew right to their car. They didn’t even have to pay for the frozen food. They flew home in their car and then they went inside. They defrosted their food and then it turned real and started to dance a nom nom dance on their kitchen counter. They were really happy and started to do the dance with the hedgehogs and butterflies. Wait, they changed into butterflies as the defrosted because that is just how things go. Then they jumped onto the floor and the lady with the frying pan came over and started singing to them. They all of them got in a hot air balloon and flew far far away into the land of Oz.

Nom Nom

Saturday, December 18, 2010


The reason the little piggies were crying wee wee wee all the way home was because there was a caterpillar in their car and it was nomming on their ear hairs. After they got home, which was next door to the lady with the frying pan, the caterpillar went inside her house and started nomming on the tree. After he was done nomming, he hung himself on the tree in a cacoon and stayed there for a couple days. After he got out of his cacoon, he decided to be a butterfly. Once he was a butterfly, he nommed on the lady's hair and did the butterfly dance. And the little piggies were still crying wee wee wee.

Nom Nom

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Super Nomned Discovered

The fire became super happy because it was full of nom noms and so he decided to go find a big tree. He grew some feet and walked along the happy beach where he found a three inch tall tree. It was so big that he could barely contain himself. He was so happy that he completely burned out and sat motionless on the beach with his three inch tall tree. They became the best of friends and talked about the weather and the best things that they loved to nom on. They had a wonderful afternoon until the tide came in. Then the lady showed up and they tried to hide under the waves but the tree was so tall that it stuck out so they were discovered. The lady grabbed the fire by the sticks and took the tree right out of the ground and took them home with her. Then the moon came out and the little piggies cried wee wee wee all the way home.

Nom Nom

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Door

There was a door to the house which was the home to the lady with the frying pan. After she made the soup, he opened and smacked her to knock her out, and then he took the nom nom soup and ate it. But as everyone in the northern hemisphere part of Australia knows, doors get fat after eating too much nom nom soup. He got so fat that he couldn't open or close, so when the lady woke up she saw that he was too fat to work anymore, so she got out her axe and made him into nom nom wood chips and fed him to the fire.
Nom Nom

Monday, December 13, 2010

Nom Nom Soup

There was a turtle that liked to nom on things. Not on things but on special things. Only the best deserves to be nomed on, not eaten but nomed on. So I was trying to find this turtle and he had a big pile of fruit but it was too good for him so I took it away from him. He didn't like when I did that because he had to go find some vegetables. Then I took those from him so he had to go find a log. Then he curled up and went to sleep on top of the big mountain. What mountain? There was no mountain so basically he did this. But only special people will find out what he did by clicking on the BIG BLUE WORDS. So then he came to a big rose bush and then he had to eat a rose and then he got chased away by a lady with a frying pan who caught him and made nom nom soup.
Nom Nom