Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Happy Penguin

The happy penguin just exploded and decided that he wanted to go swimming. So he went over to his house and bought a hamburger. Then he gave it too the swimming pool. Then he went to dance like a hawk lessons in downtown hawk place or something like that. You GET THE POINT SO STOP YELLING AT ME. Anyways he had such a nice day that he decided to spend all night sleeping. Fee Fi Fo I just had a hum in my tum so yea, well the penguin went down the ice slide so good night all!


So the banana and the muffin went on a walk together. They were having a happy time just eating and nomming on other plants that walked by. So when they saw a very large plant, they decided to nom on its toes. The large plant didn't like getting its toes nommed on so he started nomming on their heads. Out of nowhere the hawk of happiness swooped down and started doing the happy hawk dance. When the large plant and the banana and muffin saw this, they started trying to do the happy hawk dance. Then they all got nommed to death by the hawk of happiness.

The end!